Juliet Vaginal Laser Treatment
Juliet is a fast, minimally invasive treatment for women’s intimate concerns. Unpleasant symptoms such as laxity, itching, irritation, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence and even pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) can today be improved thanks to cutting-edge technology like the Juliet laser treatment from Cutera.
What Results Should I Typically Expect?
The Juliet laser treatment can help restore the health of connective tissue and improves in the condition of the mucosa. This translates into a rapid improvement of symptoms, which can be observed immediately after the first treatment.
Itching, irritation and pain during intercourse disappear and the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence are also significantly reduced as a result of the stimulating action of the laser on the mucosa. It’s beneficial even after the treatment is finished, and many women report further improvements during the first month post-treatment.

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How Does the Juliet Treatment Work?
The wall of the vagina is composed of four different layers:
Mucosa – Internal lining of epithelial tissue made up of squamous epithelial cells
Sub-Mucosa – Connective tissue that supports the mucosa and connects it to the muscularis
Muscularis – Muscle tissue
Adventitia – Connective tissue interlaced with elastic fibers, which connects the vagina to surrounding organs.
The vaginal walls are usually collapsed so that they touch each other. The walls have many folds, which allow the vagina to enlarge during sexual intercourse and childbirth. Glands near the opening of the vagina secrete mucus to keep the mucosa moist. The objective of the laser treatment is to reach the sub-mucosa, which is elastic and rich in collagen and can be stimulated “selectively” without damaging the surrounding tissue. Thanks to the special characteristics of its wavelength, the Erbium:YAG laser is able to reach this goal quickly and effectively, avoiding unwanted side effects on the surrounding tissue.
What does The Treatment Involve?
The procedure is performed by one of our practitioner in our office. A topical anesthetic may be applied. Using the special V-Spot handpiece, our medical staff is able to perform the treatment in just a few minutes. The whole procedure typically takes less than 15 minutes and is fast, usually very well tolerated.